czwartek, 22 kwietnia 2010

DP Machine Gun

This is a red army hand machine gun. It was very popular during the second world war , Korean war and in Vietnam war. It was designed by Wasilij Diegtariow in 1926. The serial production start in 1927, and end up in 1945. It has calibre 7,62mm. In magazine it has 47 bullets.


This is a red army pistol. It was used during second world war, korean war and during the vietnam war. It was designed by Fiodor Tokariew in 1925. The serial production start in 1930 and end in 1960. In Poland this pistol was produced from1947 to 1959. It has calibre7,62mm. In magazine it has 8 bullets.

czwartek, 15 kwietnia 2010


This is the Red Army hand machinegun. It was designed by Wasilij Diegtiariow. The serial production start in 1945. In Red Army it was used from 1949 to 60 years. It has calibre 7,62mm.
It was loaded from tape, the tape was in drum cover. It was popular in NVA and Vietkong.

Colt M1911

This is the most one of the most popular pistol, which was used during the Vietnam war.
This pistol was designed by John Browning in 1900. In 1926 Colt Company designed ColtM1911A1.
It has 11,43mm (0,45 ACP) caliber. The magazine has 7 Bullets.

czwartek, 8 kwietnia 2010

M1 Helmet

During the Vietnam war U.S Soldgiers were wearing the M1 Helmet with Mitchell camuflage cover. The M1 Helmet with plastic liner was designed in 1941, during the second world war.Also during the war, soldgiers were painting they camuflage helmet. Also they were puting rifle bone cleaner the tape.

The uniform of U.S Army Soldgiers during the Vietnam War

The U.S Army soldgiers were using a diffrent type of uniform,during the vietnam war,but the most popular type was Jungle uniform.It has OG 107 colour.THe complete set of uniform contains:Coat,trousers,boots,and hat. It was made from canvas.
The second type of uniform was ERDL camuflage uniform.Thes type uniform contain the same things as jungle uniform.The ERDL uniform was most popuar in special forces.Also in ERDL camuflage were producing poncho.
The third type of uniform is tiger stripe uniform. This uniform contain :coat,trousers,hat.
The U.S Army soldgiers were also wearing M51 and M 65 jacket.This jacket were using during the fight of Hue City in 1968 by U.S Marines

M 60 Machine gun

This was a us U.S Army machine gun, using in Vietnam War.But this gun wasn"t good in jungle fight.It was too heavy and often jammed.Serial production starts in 1957 and it is produced by today.This gun has 7,62mm calibre.This gun is powerd by tape cartridges.

The AK47 Rifle

This is one of the most popular weapon in history.During the Vietnam war the Vietcong soldgiers and the NVA soldgiers were using it, not only them.this rifle was also popular in U.S Army ranks.
This Rifle was designed by Michalił Kałasznikow in 1946.The serial production begin in 1949 up to today.This is one of the most powerful rifle in history!!! This rifle has calibre 7,62mm.In magazine it has 30 bullets.

The M14 Rifle

The second most popular weapon during the Vietnam war was M14 Rifle. It was a modernisation of M1 Garand rifle. It was designed in Springfield factory, it is produced since 1960.The calibre is 7,62mm. In magazine it has 20 bullets.

Weapon of U.S Army during the Vietnaw War

The manual assault gun was M16A1. These rifle was designed by Eugene Stone in 1960. These gun is producing by today,but in modern version. It has calibre 5,56mm. The magazine has 20 bullets.

U.S Army equipment of vietnam war

During the Vietnam war U.S soldgiers were using diffrent type of fieldgear. The most popular type of fieldgerar was M-1956 Fieldgear. These fieldgear contains: belt, two ammo pouch, canteen, cargo,shovel,bayonet,and in cargo the soldgiers keept they personal item.These fieldgear was made from canvas.Another type of fieldgear was M-1967 fieldgear.These fildgear was nearly the same,but the cauterieze was made from plastic.